Book tip: Africa is being poor-governed or How to really help Africa.
For anyone critically engaged with Africa’s problems, an inspiring book by Volker Seitz, who mentions SCHULBANK as a lighthouse project.
Thank you very much for this, Mr. Seitz!
German diplomat Volker Seitz spent 17 years on post in Africa. On site, he was able to observe how little effective development aid is, how little help for self-help it offers. He argues for dispensing with bombastic conferences, controlling the flow of money, imposing consequences on the abuse of power by ruling cliques, and listening to Africans who know what is good for their resource-rich continent. Instead of maintaining a helper industry with bureaucratic, non-transparent structures from which many earn good money, the development of a competent, incorruptible state apparatus that serves the interests of the population must be supported.
Press comments
“A brilliant plea against the business of mercy by the former German ambassador to Cameroon.”
Berlin Online/Berliner Zeitung 19.07.2009
“Anyone interested in Africa must read this font of uncomfortable truths.”
Magdeburger Volksstimme 14.07.2009
“A worthwhile contribution to a long-simmering debate.” 02.07.2009
“An extremely interesting behind-the-scenes analysis of development assistance.”
Wiener Zeitung 06.10.2009
“The book makes an enriching contribution with clear-eyed analytical stocktaking and a palpable connection to Africa.”
Andreas Jungbauer, Mainpost 14.01.2010
“”An interesting and insightful approach.””
Münchner Merkur June 12, 2010
“Volker Seitz makes clear critically, factually and with the help of many examples, what Africa and Western politics are lacking. ”
Ullrich Riedler, Hessische Allgemeine 20.10.2018